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Inquiry-based teaching practices: Mapping the situation in Spanish schools and validation of evidence-based training (TIP-MapVa) 2022-2026

The TIP-MapVa project is a 4-year initiative aimed at exploring inquiry-based educational practices among teachers across Spain. The project's goal is to understand how inquiry-based practices are perceived and implemented in the Spanish context and to determine how we can contribute to the development of research competencies in both future and current teachers​

Improving future teachers' practices through their collaborative participation in inquiry-based professional learning communities (MPR-INDAGA) 2020-2022

The project focused on designing, implementing, and evaluating an inquiry-based training model for future teachers. This model, inspired by the Kaser and Halbert (2017) inquiry spiral, aimed for student teachers to develop an inquiry process in collaboration with the school, supported by university tutors and school mentors.


The project analyzed the difficulties students encountered at each phase of the inquiry, identified facilitating elements and barriers at the school and mentorship levels, and determined the most effective type of feedback to overcome difficulties and promote evidence-based educational practices.

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